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what’s NEW?
03 Nov 2021: Prof. Hore is interviewed in Science magazine regarding the temporary shutdown of the research reactor at the NIST Center for Neutron Research.
27 Aug 2021: Welcome to the group, Nehal Nupnar!
26 Feb 2021: Prof. Hore discusses online teaching in the age of COVID-19.
10 Sep 2020: Prof. Hore is interviewed by the Physics Department at The University of Memphis regarding his time spent in the department earning his B.S. and M.S. degrees.
17 Jul 2020: The Hore Research Group has completed the first public version of HoloPolymer, a mixed reality polymer simulation for the Microsoft HoloLens.
05 Apr 2020: Ph.D. student Yuan Wei wins the Jack L. Koenig Endowed Spectroscopy Award.